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Person Centred Counselling and Psychotherapy 

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The Perils of Insomnia.

Reuben Turkie

Coping Techniques and Help to Overcome it.

  • “Insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking about not thinking.”
    ― Clifton Fadiman

In my work as a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Hypnotherapist, one of my specialist areas is anxiety. When clients first arrive in the room, amongst other questions, I will ask how they sleep.  Invariably they will tell me they cannot get to sleep or wake in the night riddled with rumination. This can be attributed to negative habitual thinking.  Sometimes it is just our brain simply not switching off. In part because it exacerbates the anxiety or thought patterns the following day, often leading to not just more ingrained anxiety but also depression.

Over a period of hours this becomes unpleasant, left to fester over months or years, for some it can be unbearable and lead to symptoms of short or long-term depression, anxiety or low mood. At it’s worse, it can be a combination of all three.


The following facts are a stark representation of the reality that too many of us suffer with insomnia -


In his thirties, my dad developed ‘chronic’ insomnia.   I use the term ‘chronic’ because, some nights he only gets around 2 hours sleep. Miraculously, he still manages to function despite this degree of sleep deprivation.  When our circadian rhythms are disrupted, we struggle to recalibrate them. Dad and I are both wonderful over thinkers.  One of the symptoms of anxiety is habitual thinking, or ruminating thoughts – often the cause of sleepless nights. Both my dads parents had disrupted sleep and I too live with insomnia, I have since I was a teenager. 


Whilst insomnia can be brought on by a period of anxiety, trauma or stress, there may well be a genetic disposition as well as an association with both physical and mental health conditions. In fact, according to The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence:


  • Prevalence of insomnia is higher in people with comorbid conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, chronic pain and psychiatric conditions (depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder).
  • Around half of all people with diagnosed insomnia have a comorbid psychiatric disorder [Matheson, 2017Wilson, 2019[NL1] [RT2] ]. 


For anyone alarmed by the term comorbid conditions, it just means the prevalence of two or more conditions presenting in a person.

The most concerning issue raised by my limited online research on insomnia is that very few links point people in the direction of talking therapies. Why is it a systemic fact that Western societies all too readily medicate a common problem? Where have we gone wrong with this? It seems that people are conditioned to feel more inclined to complain to a GP about a perfectly normal problem than seek help from a therapist. The same applies to medication for depression and anxiety; as I have highlighted both often go hand in hand with sleep deprivation.

So, before this blog begins to read like an essay or academic study, what are some of the techniques to aid better sleep. Well, at this point I think it is easiest to list them:


Self-Care – ensure you are doing this every day; it promotes good mental health[NL3] [RT4] .


·     This doesn’t have to mean signing up for the next Triathlon or becoming the next Mr/Mrs Universe!

·     It is recommended that we get 30 minutes exercise 5 days a week. Even a brisk walk will stimulate endorphins and dopamine – the brain's natural happiness chemical.

·     This also reduces cortisol levels which are present when we are stressed.

·     Get out for a walk twice a day – if you have a dog, this means you have to which is also means you connect with nature.

·     So exercise is a win win on so many levels.

·     Getting from zero to 5k jogging is less hard than you might think.

·     There are great fitness communities out there such as the free family orientated Park Run.

·     Or if you need that extra incentive to get you out running, why not try a 5k run for Race For Life in aid of Cancer Research? There are loads of other charities you can raise money for.

·     It really doesn’t matter what sport you choose, just go for one that you enjoy.

Relaxing Hobbies:

·     I really don’t need to list things here as this is a very individual thing. For me it is Music and getting creative – both of which I find calming.

Connecting with Nature:

·     Studies have shown that this is one of the best ways to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. 

·     Eveb if you live in a city and don’t have access to the countryside, the UK is known for its fabulous parks or wildlife conservations.



Keep a good bedtime routine:

·     Don’t eat or drink for at least 2 hours before bed to avoid indigestion or a heaviness in the belly

·     Try to avoid alcohol for the last hour or two before sleep. Alcohol can mean you don’t have a deep sleep and achieve less REM

·     Turn off or put down any screens – Blue light on computer screens, tablets/iPads and mobile phones can cause fatigue, but studies have shown it also keeps our neurons in a wired like state and can delay sleep by 20-30 minutes

·     Do something calming – have a bath, read a book, beautify, whatever it is for you, make sure you do it!

Meditation and Mindfulness

·     Not obsessing over not being able to sleep is perhaps one of the golden rules to overcome insomnia

·     There is a litany of mindfulness and meditation apps out there which are brilliant for guided meditation and usually have a section for sleep. Currently, I am using Calm.

·     If you are a well-seasoned meditator, then you probably sleep in a zen like state already!

·     Yoga and Thai Chi – there are sessions specifically geared for bedtime/better sleep.

Diet & Nutrition

I am not a nutritionist, but I do love cooking. A quick Google search led me to Healthline[3] which identifies the following foods to aid better sleep:

  • Almonds
  • Turkey
  • Chamomile tea
  • Kiwi
  • Tart cherry juice
  • Fatty fish
  • Walnuts
  • Passionflower tea
  • White Rice

Adversely, here are the food types that Healthline advise us to avoid:

·      Caffeinated foods and beverages

·      Spicy foods

  • High glycemic index foods and foods with added sugar
  • Fatty foods
  • Fast food and other ultra-processed foods
  • Alcoholic drinks

Alternative Remedies[4]

  • Valerian root . Some studies have suggested that the root of valerian (Valeriana officinalis) may help people fall asleep or stay asleep. A note of caution though: it's possible that it can interfere with some medications.
  • Chamomile is another commonly used herb for the treatment of insomnia. The FDA considers chamomile to be safe, and the herb has no known side effects. You should not take it, though, if you are sensitive to ragweed or chrysanthemums or other members of the compositae family such as daisies or sunflowers. You could develop contact allergies if you are. 
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). One study found that the leaf of this herb contained triethylene glycol (TEG), which positively affected rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Another study suggested 300 milligrams, two times a day can help you fall asleep faster and improve sleep quality.
  • Kava. This South Pacific root is thought to have a calming effect. In one small study, 24 people with insomnia caused by stress were given 120 milligrams daily for 6 weeks. All showed improvement. And a lab study on rats found the herb had hypnotic effects and also improved sleep quality. But there are also concerns about kava’s effect on the liver, so it’s not recommended.
  • Other herbs promoted as effective sleep remedies include passionflower, hops, and lemon balm. These still need to be studied to determine their safety and effectiveness.

What about the controversial subject of cannabis or CBD oil?


Cannabis has long been used amongst many sectors of society but taboos about the use of CBD oil mean that it  is generally regarded as an unfavourable option. Alcohol, on the other hand, seems to get a free pass. I am not endorsing nor condoning the use of cannabis, but the rise in popular opinion towards CBD, seems to be swaying the pendulum of debate. The point here is CBD does not contain THC, which is the psychotropic ingredient that can lead to cannabis psychosis. Therefore, it retains the relaxing and sleep-inducing ingredient that also aids physical ailments such as arthritis. In the UK, at present it is only prescribed for epilepsy MS, or people undergoing chemotherapy and suffering nausea[5]. This debate is so endless, it probably warrants a separate blog… and I want you to continue reading please.


In Conclusion…

We need a better solution to the problem of insomnia than an immediate jump to medication. I believe talking to a good therapist could be the answer. Perhaps if we understand the reasons behind our sleepless nights, we would sleep better. The first stage to overcoming most issues in therapy is greater self- awareness. By understanding the reasons behind over thinking, we can begin to accept them. With acceptance, we can eventually overcome them. Whatever those reasons are, reach out to a mental health worker in your area… they may just be able to help you unpack the reasons behind why you are not getting enough sleep.


[1] 2022. Quotes About Insomnia : The Best of | BetterSleep. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 6 July 2022].

[2] 2022. Prevalence | Background information | Insomnia | CKS | NICE. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 6 July 2022].

[3] Healthline. 2022. 9 Foods and Drinks to Promote Better Sleep. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 July 2022].

[4] WebMD. 2022. Alternative Treatments for Insomnia. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 July 2022].

[5] 2022. Medical cannabis (cannabis oil). [online] Available at: <,caused%20by%20multiple%20sclerosis%20(MS)> [Accessed 21 July 2022].

 [NL1]Again footnote (or reference list at the end the website you got this from – presumably it’s NICE again, not the authors they have drawn on.

 [RT2]It is a direct cut and paste from the NICE website - so I think it is only fair to credit the authors. Perhaps I am wrong and just referencing NICE is enough as you suggest?

 [NL3]Is Self-Care the overall heading for all the things you’ve listed below?On its own like this it’s not clear what it is.

 [RT4]Yes, I have made the tex bigger to accentuate this as the title. Also added the additional sub headings - Excercise; Relaxing Hobbies and Connecting with Nature. Is this better?

by Kelsey Taylor 15 Apr, 2024
Photo via Pexels In a world where fast food is more accessible than fresh produce and sedentary lifestyles are the norm, battling obesity has become a central issue for many men. Your health is your wealth, and by adopting a wellness-focused approach to life, you can fight obesity and reclaim your vigor. This journey requires dedication, discipline, and a comprehensive strategy that goes beyond mere dieting. In this article, courtesy of RT Counselling , we’ll go over a few ways you can stay fit by incorporating lifestyle changes into your daily routine. Fit Fitness into Your Busy Schedule Balancing a busy schedule with fitness can seem daunting, but incorporating small exercises throughout your day makes a big difference. Opt for stairs instead of elevators and embrace a brisk walk during lunch. These simple swaps fit seamlessly into your daily routine , enhancing fitness without demanding extra time. Such strategies ensure you stay active, combating obesity effectively amidst a hectic life. Unwind and Thrive Your body reacts to stress by releasing cortisol, a hormone that can lead to weight gain, especially around your midsection. Counteract this by integrating stress-relieving practices into your everyday life. Activities like yoga, meditation, and deep breathing not only reduce stress but also improve your emotional wellbeing , making you less likely to turn to food for comfort. By addressing stress head-on, you're laying a strong foundation for a healthier lifestyle that combats obesity. Find Your Fitness Passion Exercise shouldn't be a chore. To sustain an active lifestyle, it's crucial to discover activities that excite you. Whether it's the tranquility of swimming, the adventure of hiking, or the camaraderie of team sports, finding what you love is key to maintaining motivation. When you look forward to your workouts, staying fit becomes a part of your life rather than a dreaded task, making it easier to keep obesity at bay. The Power of Sleep Never underestimate the role of sleep in your fight against obesity. Adequate rest is paramount for regulating the hormones that control hunger and fullness. Ensuring you receive enough high-quality sleep each night can prevent overeating and help maintain a healthy weight. Consider your bedroom a sanctuary and prioritize conditions that promote restful sleep, such as minimizing screen time before bed and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. Mental Health Matters Obesity and mental health are intricately linked. Issues such as depression and anxiety can lead to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain, but many men find it challenging to ask for help. Acknowledging and addressing any mental health disorders is crucial in your journey towards wellness. Don't hesitate to seek professional help when needed and incorporate practices that reduce stress into your routine. Often the shame and self-loathing assosciated to weight can be prohibiting and talking through and addressing these feelings can help get better control of them. A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body in your fight against obesity. Hydration is Key Drinking water is essential for overall health and can be particularly helpful in managing weight. Often, our bodies can confuse thirst with hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking. By staying well-hydrated, you support your metabolism and help suppress appetite, making it easier to avoid overeating. Aim to drink water throughout the day, especially before meals, to aid in digestion and weight management. It’s also crucial to ensure that your body is getting enough water as you workout , so keeping a water bottle with you is advisable. Mastering Portion Control In today's supersized world, understanding portion sizes is more important than ever. Overeating, even healthy foods, can contribute to weight gain. Use tools like smaller plates and measuring cups to serve your meals, and listen to your body's hunger cues to avoid mindless eating . This simple yet effective strategy can help you enjoy your meals without falling into the trap of overindulgence. Embrace a Balanced Diet A nutritious diet is the cornerstone of any weight management plan. Focus on filling your plate with a variety of whole foods , such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. These foods are not only rich in essential nutrients but also high in fiber, which can keep you feeling full longer. By embracing moderation and variety in your diet, you can satisfy your taste buds while nourishing your body and combating obesity. For men, tackling obesity requires a holistic approach that goes beyond dieting and exercise. By integrating stress management, finding joy in physical activity, prioritizing rest, fitting exercise into a busy schedule, addressing mental health, staying hydrated, practicing portion control, and eating a balanced diet, you can create a sustainable lifestyle that promotes weight loss and improves overall health. Remember, the journey to wellness is a marathon, not a sprint. With perseverance and a positive mindset, you can achieve your health goals and enjoy a vibrant, fulfilling life. Ready to make a positive change in your mental health and overall wellness? Get in touch with the team at RT Counselling today to talk about your needs.
by Kelsey Taylor & Reuben Turkie 28 Feb, 2024
Image via Pexels Why Gender Matters in the Weight Loss Battle Women may find it frustrating that they lose weight slower than men. The leading cause of this phenomenon is that men are generally larger and have more muscle mass than women. In addition, with the spike in progesterone usually in the lead up to menstruation, a woman will often consume more calories, resulting in weight gain of up to 10 pounds a year. Women also produce 15 to 20 times less testosterone than men, a hormone that burns fat. It is important to understand the differences between women and men and how those differences affect weight loss. RT Counselling offers these points to keep in mind. Understand Your Risk Women and men are more susceptible to different health conditions. Furthermore, women are more vulnerable to depression and osteoporosis than men. That said, we are seeing a rise in men coming forward and being more open with admitting depression, largely due to a wider acceptance amongst society that it is okay to talk about mental health issues. Men too have body conscious issues, particularly in what is deemed attractive as the fit, body building male. Likewise, in fashion, the media and press an increase in disordered eating has been seen in men and women portraying thinness as somehow more attractive than a normal, healthy body shape. Industries like dance, ballet, media and even sport can lead to disordered eating and self-loathing, with often tragic consequences. Gender profiling or stereotyping further complicates how we perceive ourselves. We must embrace choice that people can identify with or feel more comfortable in any gender or body type. More frequently people are being referred to as male bodied or female bodied so that this encompasses people who are trans or identify to another gender than they were ‘assigned at birth’. Body dysmorphia a psychological condition whereby the person literally sees there body as bigger, or thinner than it actually is, can be a crippling form of self-deprecating thoughts. Therefore, whatever gender you identify as, looking for ways to control your weight, adopt a preventative lifestyle for these concerns through diet, exercise, and stress-free living. Document Your Journey and Reset Your Eating Habits Meeting weight loss goals is more than maintaining a healthy diet. You should also be keeping a weight journal that notes your daily diet, emotional state, and aspirations. Set specific, attainable, and relevant expectations. Additionally, your goals should have measurable and time-limited objectives. Finally, mindful eating helps you enjoy your cuisine and makes you feel full sooner. Mindful eating involves: • Eating in a space with no distractions such as a television • Eating slowly • Focusing on the flavors and textures of your meal. • Drinking sufficient water Get Your Exercise Exercise is a component of weight loss that relieves stress and gets the body more muscular and toned. It releases endorphins and dopamine the natural happy drug we produce in the brain – win, win! For example, Pilates strengthens and lengthens your muscles while toning them. It achieves this through isometric training . As a result, doing Pilates reduces stress, stimulates weight loss, and increases energy. Some other widely available options you might consider are yoga, swimming, and hiking. Even walking regularly makes a difference. Use a map of your community to map out the best walking routes . Taking a 30-minute walk every day can be a significant boon to your overall health. Relieve Stress by Making Your Home Inspirational Living stress-free requires a healthy diet, quality sleep, and exercise. If you're not motivated to stay healthy, one helpful way to get back on track is to create a pleasant home environment. Do some decluttering, open your blinds, and add some houseplants . A little greenery can go a long way to making you feel better, and if you don’t have a green thumb, there are plenty of online resources to help you get a handle on keeping them happy and healthy. A change of scene can also help. Get outside and enjoy nature and sunshine, strolling in local parks or through your neighborhood. Design Your Home Office for Less Stress. Create a space with good natural lighting if you have a home office. When you don't have natural light, use full-spectrum light bulbs, which simulate natural light, reduce eye strain, and improve mental health. This type of light bulb also benefits indoor plants, which can likewise reduce stress. Additional tips to create a stress-free home office include decluttering your workspace and creating a storage system for files and documents. Organize Your Mind Organizing your living space and office will make you more comfortable, thus reducing stress. People can freeze up mentally in a cluttered space, so you can use stylish containers to store items that don't mesh with the room's design, such as toys, magazines, and important papers. Watching fish in an aquarium is sometimes hypnotizing and can take your mind away from your troubles . In addition, aquariums promote mental health, and senior living centers use them for Alzheimer's patients. Alternatively, hang pleasant and positive art or photographs. Reuben is a qualified Hypnotherapist and can help motivate you with weight management ro weight loss. You can find out more about how Hypnotherapy aids weight management here - Next Chapter Therapies. Organize Your Medical Files Keeping your medical files and documents organized is essential for maintaining your health and ensuring effective communication with healthcare providers. When it comes to sharing these important files with doctors, it's often more convenient to use PDFs rather than Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files. PDFs are widely accepted and easier to view across different platforms. To enhance the ease of handling these files, you can use an online tool that allows you to manipulate, edit, and even rotate the orientation of your PDF . This can be especially useful if you have scanned documents that need adjusting. With these tools, you can simply drag and drop your files into the platform to edit them. This functionality ensures that your medical documents are not only well-organized but also readily accessible and presentable whenever you need to share them with healthcare professionals.  Eat Better, Move More, and Don't Stress To help prevent severe health conditions, maintain a balanced lifestyle that includes exercise, proper nutrition, and stress management. Use these tips while keeping the specific needs of women in mind to help guide you on the path to a healthy future. Therapy offers an important step in discovering the world around us and finding our place in it. For some people, coming to therapy is a big step. It can take courage to identify a need to heal, recover or progress. RT Counselling’s approach aims to ensure that you feel safe in the knowledge that you can trust the therapeutic process. Reuben holds these same values highly in his approach to Hypnotherapy. Why not get in touch today for a free no obligation consultation to discuss your specific needs: Hypnotherapy Contact RT Counselling Contact
by Hal Salazar / Reuben Turkie 08 Jan, 2024
Embarking on a journey of personal growth is both a rewarding and transformative experience. This comprehensive guide, courtesy of Hal Salazar at Elders Today in collaboration with RT Counselling , provides you with essential strategies for stress management, goal setting, and making life-altering decisions. It's designed to equip you with the tools necessary for achieving your dreams and living a life brimming with fulfillment. Let’s get started! Harmonizing Work-Life Balance The first step in your journey is learning to identify and prevent burnout. It's crucial to recognize the signs of excessive stress and take proactive measures to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life. This equilibrium is not just vital for your well-being but also ensures sustained productivity and job satisfaction. Remember, balancing your professional and personal life is essential for long-term happiness and success. Conquering Anxiety and Fear Navigating through feelings of anxiety and fear is a pivotal part of personal growth. Counselling is one of the ways to explore and unpack the underlying reasons behind your experiences of Anxiety. This involves understanding the root causes of your fears, developing coping strategies, and learning to view challenges as opportunities for growth. Next Chapter Therapies offers Hypnotherapy which is anoher to way to master techniques to manage these emotions , you can transform them into positive experiences that contribute significantly to your development. In this sense you are reprograming the neurons in the brain to help oversome the symptoms of anxiety. Embracing these techniques will not only enhance your resilience but also open doors to new, enriching experiences. Strategic Goal Setting Setting clear, achievable, and meaningful goals is a powerful tool in your personal growth arsenal. These goals should be a reflection of your values and aspirations, guiding your path towards success. It's about understanding what truly matters to you and setting a roadmap to achieve it. This process not only keeps you motivated but also ensures that your efforts are focused and aligned with your ultimate life objectives. Financial Empowerment through Home Refinancing Financial decisions, such as refinancing your home, can have a profound impact on your life. This strategy can lead to better interest rates , resulting in significant savings and reduced financial stress. Being informed, understanding your options, and making choices that align with your financial goals. Empowering yourself financially is a critical step towards a life of reduced stress and increased opportunity. Developing a Tailored Self-Care Routine Creating a self-care routine that suits your individual needs is vital for your overall well-being. This might include activities like exercise, meditation, or hobbies that relax and rejuvenate you . It's about making time for yourself, nurturing your body and mind, and ensuring that you're at your best every day. A robust self-care routine is the backbone of your daily wellness, impacting your ability to navigate life's challenges effectively. Pursuing a Fulfilling Career If your current job does not align with your passions, consider a career change. Working in a field that resonates with your interests and life goals can dramatically increase your professional and personal fulfillment. It's about finding that sweet spot where your skills, passions, and job opportunities intersect. A fulfilling career is a key component of a satisfying life and is essential for long-term happiness.  The Importance of Quality Sleep Prioritizing quality sleep is fundamental for your physical and mental well-being. It's about more than just the number of hours; it's the quality of sleep that counts. Good sleep rejuvenates your body and mind, preparing you for the challenges of the next day. Ensuring adequate and restful sleep is a critical component of achieving your best life, impacting everything from your health to your productivity. Implementing these strategies can lead to a profound improvement in your quality of life. Managing stress, setting meaningful goals, and making thoughtful life choices set the foundation for a fulfilling future. By taking these proactive steps, you position yourself for a life filled with accomplishments, satisfaction, and personal growth. So, embrace these practices, and start living your best life today. RT Counselling and Next Chapter Therapies offer mental health services that can help you feel better. Get in touch today to talk to a Reuben.
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